American Football

DeMar DeRozan says there are a lot of ‘sorry MFers’ in the NBA

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He also sounds like every oldhead ever.

We all know that older guy at the barbershop, or at every family function, who says “(insert sport here) isn’t as good as it used to be because the players don’t care as much.” Usually it’s met with an eye roll and an “ok man,” but sometimes it has some validity.

Especially when it comes from an NBA player such as DeMar DeRozan.

While appearing on an episode of Podcast P with Paul George, DeRozan had a few things to say about today’s NBA.

Who is he talking about?

— Dom2K (@Dom_2k) May 15, 2023

The comment, “there are a lot of sorry mfers in the league” is hilarious, especially when George also agreed. It makes sense that a player as tenured as Derozan would say that there are a lot of players in the NBA who just aren’t that great. In addition, the comment about players who don’t love the game of basketball and “take it for granted” makes sense, albeit a little harsh.

This isn’t the first time a current player has said something like this about the current generation, however. Bulls guard Patrick Beverley said on his podcast earlier in May that in his estimation 50% of the players in the NBA don’t actually love the game of basketball. In 2019, Stephen Jackson said that there are some ‘spoiled’ players who don’t love the game.

This trend of players talking about the current era poorly isn’t something new. Whether it’s true or not is up to you, but it’s probably something that won’t go away.

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