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Bo Jackson tried to cure year-long hiccups by sniffing a porcupine’s butt

dpa/picture alliance via Getty Images

Bo nose porcupine butt.

It’s been a surprisingly rough year for Bo Jackson, and none of us knew. The mythic athlete has been dealing with a legendary case of hiccups, and since July of 2022 he’s been hiccuping non-stop.

Talking to a local radio show on Wednesday, Jackson revealed that he’s been doing everything to try and get rid of these hiccups — including getting a live porcupine and getting a big ‘ol whiff of its butt.

“I have done everything — scare me, drink water upside down, smell the ass of a porcupine, it doesn’t work.”

Bo is now having a medical procedure done in the hopes of ending his hiccups. Terrifyingly, chronic hiccups are a thing. They can either be caused by a disease of the central nervous system, or be the product of an adverse drug reaction. An Iowa native named Charles Obsorne holds the world record for chronic hiccuping, which lasted 68 YEARS from the age of 20 until his death. This caused Osborne to change his speech pattern and entire way of talking to account for the hiccups.

As far as the whole porcupine butt: That’s a little more difficult to pin down. There is no evidence that smelling any animal’s rear end can cure hiccups — but broadly speaking, Bo could have just been using this for short-hand as a way to say “I tried everything.”

That said, here is a video of a porcupine butt to enjoy.

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