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American Football

Dad goes viral for faceplanting with child while chasing baseball

No baseball is worth faceplanting while holding your child.

Hey dads of the world: Don’t do this.

Now look, I’m sure baseball dad meant well. I’m sure he thought “I’ll grab a baseball for my son,” but when you’re holding a child you have one specific job: Don’t hurt the child. There are no other priorities at that point. If you think there is anything that will compromise that one job, then YOU PUT DOWN THE CHILD!

Instead this dad tried to multitask, and he was terrible at it. As a terribly multitasking dad, I get it. I can focus very well on one task at a time, but ask me to run with a child AND try to retrieve a ball and my sports muscle memory kicks in where I’ll only focus on the ball.

Like this dad did.

I really hope the kid is okay following this fall, because it looked really bad. Dudes, dads, just be safe out there.

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