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Duke’s Mayo explains how you can dump mayonnaise over a coach’s head

Photo by Dannie Walls/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images

We spoke with Duke’s about what they want in a mayo dumper.

The Duke’s Mayo Bowl has burst onto the scene in 2020, but it wasn’t until last year that true magic happened. That’s when the bowl first brought in the “mayo dump,” which took the traditional Gatorade bath to incredible new levels.


— SEC Network (@SECNetwork) December 30, 2021

Now, a nationwide search is on, with Duke’s promising to allow fan mayo dumpers for 2022. The process of Duke’s Mayonnaise choosing mayo fans has been a real personal minefield for me. On the one hand, I want everyone to live their mayo-based dreams — but selfishly I want to hide information about the process away, like a squirrel hoarding nuts for winter, because I really want to be one of the dumpers.

However, after a weekend of reflection and a crisis of confidence later I decided that this is an atrocious approach to thinking about it. Mayo is for everyone, and the opportunity to dump the mayo should be for everyone. Who am I to try and influence this process? I trust that no matter who is selected will do an amazing job, and I have to put my faith in the mayo mavens at Duke’s. So, while everyone is wondering about the rubric required to dump mayo, I went right to the sources (sauces?) at Duke’s to get the hard-hitting answers on what they want in a mayonnaise dumper at the Duke’s Mayo Bowl.

How will fans have an opportunity to become the Duke’s mayo dumper?

To apply for this very important role, fans are asked to show (or tell) us why they should be this year’s Mayo Dumper in a social media post, using the #mayodump hashtag and tagging Duke’s Mayo and Duke’s Mayo Bowl.

What kind of skill set are you looking for? Is there a certain amount of weight I should be training for, I mean, that fans should be training for?

We can’t share the full list of criteria, but the mayo dumpers will need to be able to lift and dump a large cooler of mayo over someone’s head without hitting them. For reference, each gallon of mayo weighs approximately 7.5 lbs. So that’s at least 30 lbs of mayo + the weight and bulk of the cooler itself.

Say someone is a husky sportswriter with a deep appreciation for mayonnaise. Would they, for instance, be someone who could be a good dumper at the Duke’s Mayo Bowl?

James, your application is currently under review. Let’s just say it is strong, but there are a lot of strong applications coming in. If you are selected, you will be contacted the week of November 28.

What’s your message for the Mayo hopefuls out there who want to be considered as a dumper?

Just have fun! Show us that you can get a jar of mayo dumped over a coach’s head without any injuries and share your stories of fandom of both Duke’s Mayo & college football.

Is there anything new or exciting in the world of Duke’s Mayonnaise outside of the bowl game that I should prepare my pallet for?

Def follow us on IG @dukes_mayonnaise and sign up for our Twang Talk! newsletter on We’re always dropping new merch, products, and recipes. We will also be rolling out an activation with a sports celebrity in the new year and a new line of seafood sauces.

Would you like me to send my credentials along to advocate for myself becoming a mayo dumper?

Of course. Our search committee is taking this job very seriously and creativity will definitely be rewarded.

So, we know why mayo needs to be dumped on a coach — but why are you looking to find fan dumpers?

To create memorable and differentiating experiences for our devoted fans.
The Duke’s Mayo Bowl is considered to be the most fan-friendly bowl game and that’s why it makes sense to turn to the fans for this awesome moment.

How did the idea for the fan search come about?

Last year’s mayo dump with USC’s Head Coach, Shane Beamer, was definitely a highlight of the game. The fans and players went wild. Coach Beamer was a good sport – even when we bumped him in the head with the cooler which had 4.5 gallons of mayo inside (Ooops / Ouch). We figured this year we should make sure we had the right dumpers in place to avoid a similar situation.

How will the dumpers be selected?

We will choose two fans We’ve pulled together a small selection committee, from both the Duke’s & Charlotte Sports Foundation teams, who will review each qualified applicant. Although we can’t share the full list of criteria – we can share that the mayo dumpers, by nature, will need to be able to lift/dump a large cooler of mayo. We’ll also be looking for those with can show their fandom – of both college football and Duke’s Mayo.

Mayo Dumpers will be announced on Mayo Dump Monday (Monday, Dec. 5 – the day after Selection Sunday)

How do fans apply?

Show (or tell us) why you would be the best mayo dumper on social.In order to throw your name in the running:

Use the #MayoDump hashtag in a post
Have a public account
Post your entry right here on social by 11:59 PM EST on 11/2
Must be available to attend the Duke’s Mayo Bowl in Charlotte, NC
Tag @dukes_mayonnaise and @ dukesmayobowl

Okay, so I’ve got a good idea of the selection process — but I’ve gotta ask: Why a mayo dump in the first place?

Let’s be honest. We’ve been having fun since the official announcement that Duke’s Mayo was getting its very own college bowl game – the Duke’s Mayo Bowl (or as some like to say, “a Bowl of Duke’s Mayo). We want to add the twang of Duke’s to the most celebrated and anticipated traditions in college football – like the winning coach dump.

Fans love to anticipate these unconventional celebratory baths (Cheez-Its, smoothies, etc.), but we really feel like seeing the winning coach of the Duke’s Mayo Bowl covered in mayonnaise brings the most joy to fans everywhere. And it’s for charity!

It’s for charity?

As part of agreeing to be doused in mayonnaise, Duke’s Mayo will donate $10,000 to a charity of the winning coach’s choosing

This is going to be a yearly thing right? Mayo dumps forever!

Let’s see how this year goes first.

Where can people find more info?

Instagram @dukes_mayonnaise

Twitter @dukesmayobowl

Anything else fans should know?

Mayo dumpers will each be given (2) tickets to the Duke’s Mayo Bowl in Charlotte, NC (12/30 at noon)

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