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Jordan Poole slipped on a banana peel and shot a brick in another classic Jordan Poole night

Another day, more Jordan Poole moments.

Jordan Poole is the gift that keeps on giving. The undisputed NBA king of “dgaf,” Poole had himself a night on Sunday against the Suns.

First he slipped on the floor in the funniest way possible.


— De ️ressed Warriors Fan (@GoIdenState) December 18, 2023

This we can probably give him a pass for … maybe. The floor could have legitimately been slippery, because there’s no other explanation for losing your footing like you’re on the straight in Mario Kart and didn’t watch the track at all.

It’s made hilarious entirely because of Jordan Poole, and Jordan Poole continues to give us dumb stuff to laugh at. We’ve already seen him forget the rules about when the clock starts, ignore the play in the huddle, and showboat only to get swatted. That was just last month, and now there’s this. With just over 20 seconds left in a four point game there aren’t a great many good options. You could try for the easy two, quickly foul, and hope your opponents miss a free throw to get the ball back for a buzzer beater. Or you could pray to sink a three, foul, and hope for the win.

Alternatively, you could be like Jordan Poole and jack up a deep, running, off-balance three — when you’ve been a pretty mediocre shooter from deep all season.

Wizards down 4 and Jordan Poole tries to bank in a long 3-pointer lmao

— Oh no he didn’t (@ohnohedidnt24) December 18, 2023

The Wizards went on to lose, of course. Poole finished with 14 points on 5-of-17 shooting, including 2-for-9 from three, of course.

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