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N.C. State offensive lineman admits to putting mayo on spaghetti

Sam Navarro-USA TODAY Sports

Yes, you read that right

Everyone has their strange culinary quirks. Perhaps you like to dip Doritos into salsa and/or queso. Maybe you put mayonnaise into coffee. There are some who swear by ketchup on mac-and-cheese, and others who prefer their mac-and-cheese as “crack-and-cheese,” and stuffed into a turkey leg.

Thanks to the Duke’s May Bowl, we now know what strange culinary quirk N.C. State offensive lineman Bryson Speas has.

And it has us all troubled.

As part of the Duke’s Mayo Bowl, each player was asked to talk about the egg-based condiment during their introductory videos. Some talked about how they like putting it on sandwiches, others sheepishly admitted they did not care for mayo, and then there is what Speas shared with the world.

That he likes to put it on spaghetti:

my new favorite athlete

— Nicole Auerbach (@NicoleAuerbach) December 30, 2022

That is certainly a choice.

We are left wanting some answers. Now does one come up with the idea to try this for the first time? Is this a “mayo on plain pasta” situation or is this a “mayo on sauced pasta” situation? Maybe that would make this more of a cream-based sauce situation, which, while unorthodox, could make some sense. Is this only on spaghetti, or is there a penne a la mayo in the rotation as well? Are meatballs in this mix, or is this a non-meat situation? We need to know more.

And you can tell from how he reacts after the admission that Speas knows the internet is going to have thoughts on his culinary confession. He might not want to check his phone for a few days.

Now, we here at SB Nation remain dismayed at some of the choices that the Duke’s Mayo Bowl has made in recent weeks. Remember, our dear friend James Dator had a lifelong dream of being one of the official Mayo Dumpers, but those hopes and dreams were dashed by this pillar of the condiment industry.

Still, between this clip, and the images of Jay Arnold — the Duke’s Mayo Bowl Millionth Fan — eating mayo right from the jar, the content has been good.

We can admit that.

Now let James dump the mayo next year.

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