American Football

Ranking the best ‘Bluey’ characters on adorable children’s cartoon show

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Image via Vox

The Heeler family easily took the top four spots, but how did the rest of the list shake out?

The intersection of sports journalists and journalists who like Bluey is surprisingly large. A children’s show about a family of Australian dogs has taken the entire world by storm with just how freaking cute the show is.

So, naturally, we turned this into a character ranking. We at SB Nation ranked our top Bluey characters, based on the character list on the official website (yes, we did research for this). As both a youth and someone who doesn’t have a child (I watched the show once with my baby sister and I was hooked), I probably saw the character rankings a whole lot differently than the other rankers involved, who are both older than me and have children.

Nevertheless, we forge on. Here are our Bluey character rankings, and some general thoughts on the rankings from the rankers themselves.

A few words on our top two …


Bingo rightfully gets the top spot here because every scene she’s in is automatically the funniest or cutest part of the show. The writers really nailed the entire aspect of being a four-year-old, as someone with a four-year-old little sister. The excitement she has in literally anything makes every scene just the cutest thing ever.

I also think that Bingo has been kind of the major focus behind some of the episodes that have hit me the most. “Butterflies” and “Sleepytime” are two of the best episodes in the show, and both are centered around Bingo. The growth in her character over three seasons has been cool to see, and worthy of the top spot.


One of the main charges against Bandit is that he sets impossible expectations for parents. I totally get that, and it’s totally intimidating. I don’t have the breadth of imagination to come up with dozens of unique games and spend all day playing with my daughter. Heck, I have to work every day — something that Bandit doesn’t need to do.

That said, he’s perfect in his imperfection. As the show has progressed they’ve really hammered home Bandits flaws as well, so he’s not the paragon of parental virtue. He checks out too soon, he too often leaves parenting up to chili, and he’ll leave the rest of the family in the middle of anarchy in Hammerbarn while he discusses the BTUs of various pizza ovens.

Parenting can be so much fun, and also so incredibly exhausting. Over time Bandit has come to show that and he still rules.

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