American Football

This Arizona Coyotes poll backfired in the most hilarious way

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Photo by Zac BonDurant/Getty Images

They can’t even do audience engagement right

To say the Arizona Coyotes are in a bit of a mess right now would probably be an understatement. Tempe voters rejected a new stadium bid that would’ve cost taxpayers billions of dollars, and it’s looking more likely that the Coyotes will be relocating in the near future with the city not renewing their stadium lease with the team.

Well, the Coyotes social media team had the bright idea to put out a poll, asking fans where they would like the team to play next. A harmless idea, they thought. What could possibly go wrong, they thought.

Pack, we want to hear from you. Where should the Coyotes build our new home?

— Arizona Coyotes (@ArizonaCoyotes) May 18, 2023

The Twitter blowback was swift, vicious and spared no mercy.

The official account posting a Twitter poll to make arguably the most important decision for a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars ☠️☠️☠️

— Storrs South (@UConn6thBorough) May 19, 2023


— After the Whistle Show (@AfterLeWhistle) May 19, 2023

Every time I think the Coyotes situation couldn’t get more embarrassing, they dig down real deep and reach a new level.

— Wyatt Arndt (@TheStanchion) May 18, 2023

This is so pathetic.

— Dustin Nielson (@nielsonTSN1260) May 18, 2023

A large majority of the quote tweets were bashing the poll and making fun of it, for good reason. However, some people did actually choose this as the moment to make the pitch for their favorite city to get a hockey team.

— Antwan V. Staley (@antwanstaley) May 19, 2023

Hartford, Connecticut

— eglizzabeth (@eglizzabeth) May 18, 2023

I got one for you

— Joey B (@AdleyLamarKing) May 18, 2023

Yeah, the few that actually answered are brave souls, because everyone else roasted this post thoroughly. The chronic disease of tweeting through it claims another victim, this time a professional sports franchise.

I’m not one to speculate on jobs, but the person who greenlit this public shaming of the team probably shouldn’t have their job anymore. It just seems tha—

Wow, the Coyotes moved quick. This guy or lady got fired almost 5 hours after greenlighting that social media post. A rough way to go out: not with a bang, but with a flop. A disastrous flop that the sports world all saw.

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