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Tommy Devito’s agent allegedly tried to shake down a pizza restaurant

Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images

This is a horrible thing to do to a small business.

Tommy Devito mania might have gone a touch too far. This week a family-run New Jersey pizza restaurant announced that a planned appearance by the Giants’ QB has been cancelled, as they were told by his agent Sean Stellato that Devito’s appearance fee was doubling, from $10,000 to $20,000.

Posting a clip of Eli Manning visiting the restaurant in the past, Coniglio’s explained their decision on Instagram.

“No @tommydevito will NOT be @coniglios this Tuesday as originally planned. After last week’s win we received word from his agent that his appearance fee would be doubling (went from 10k to 20); We are a small family run business & decided $20,000 was a bit steep for 2 hours.”

The post went on to say the restaurant wasn’t crying over spilt milk, and instead chose to remember when Manning visited Coniglios.

On the one hand it’s like like Devito is an overly-paid player. He’s making $750K this season, and it’s unclear if he’ll ever see a serious contract over his career. Devito has famously said he’s frugal, choosing to live at home and eat there — rather than living a lavish NFL lifestyle. This is a player who has to make money while he can, but having your agent shake down a small restaurant over an appearance fee is definitely a touch too far.

Part of the entire appeal of Devito is his humble, grassroots upbringing with resonates with Giants fans — especially those of Italian descent. So it comes off as pretty gross to have an agreement for him to appear, only to be told later that the fee would double.

It also hurts being shaken down for money by this guy.

Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images

I’m all for Giants fans to have fun and be fully engaged in the throes of “Tommy Cutlets,” but this goes way too far.

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