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You need to see this sports reporter handle covering the bizzard in Iowa that’s going viral

This is one of the funniest news moments of the year.

Everyone has had a task at work thrown at them that they never asked for, but when sports reporter Mark Woodley of KWWL in Waterloo, Iowa was tasked with turning into a weather reporter for the night and handle broadcast of the blizzard, it was clear he had enough.

This is what you get when you ask the sports guy to come in to cover a blizzard in the morning show.

— Mark Woodley (@MarkWoodleyTV) December 22, 2022

“I normally do sports. Everything here is cancelled for the next couple of days — so what better time to ask the sports guy to come in about five hours earlier than he would normally wake up. Go stand out in the wind, and the snow, and the cold, and tell other people not to do the same. I didn’t even realize there was a 3:30 also in the morning, until today. It’s absolutely fantastic Ryan. I’m used to these evening shows that are only 30 minutes long, and generally on those shows I’m inside. This is a really long show, so tune in for the next couple of hours to watch me progressively get crankier and crankier. How do I get that Storm Chaser 7 duty? I feel like Clint got the better end of that deal. You know… that thing’s heated. The outdoors is currently not heated. I’ll tell you what Ryan: I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. The good news is that I can still feel my face right now, the bad news is I kinda wish I couldn’t. Can I go back to my regular job? I’m pretty sure you guys added an extra hour Ryan, to this show, because somebody likes torturing me. Because compared to 2.5 hours ago it’s just getting colder and colder.”

Woodley turned this into an ongoing stand up routine, with ever cut becoming a new opportunity to tell the world how he was hating life. It’s easy to see why he was named Iowa’s sportscaster of the year in 2020 with quick-thinking like this, and he really turned this into one of the most memorable weather reports in recent memory.

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