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Jenson Button on Logan Sargeant, his F1 career, and ‘Lap of Legends’

Photo by Vince Mignott/MB Media/Getty Images

SB Nation spoke with 2009 F1 Drivers’ Champion Jenson Button about Logan Sargeant, what it takes to win in F1, and “Lap of Legends”

Jenson Button has accomplished almost everything there is to do in the world of motorsports.

His driving resume jumps off the page, and reads like a “create a driver” script in a video game. A Formula 1 Drivers’ Championship? Check. A win at Monaco, part of the “Triple Crown” of motorsport? Check. A Constructors’ Championship? Check. A Super GT Championship? Check. He’s driven in NASCAR, including in last season’s Grant Park 165, the sport’s first-ever street race which wound through the city of Chicago. He’s driven at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, in IMSA SportsCar, and yes even in eSports.

But he never drove against some of F1’s living legends, as well as one of the sports current drivers.

Until now.

Next month Williams will celebrate their partnership with Michelob Ultra with “Lap of Legends,” a first-ever event which will pit racing legends such as Button, Mario Andretti, Jacques Villeneuve, Damon Hill, Alain Prost, Nigel Mansell against current driver Logan Sargent over a 15-lap sprint race at historic Silverstone Circuit. Sargent will drive against the Williams legends, who will appear as avatars during the race.

I spoke with Button recently about the event, and my first question was a rather straight-forward one.

How, exactly, will this all work?

Technology is a huge help.

“Well, a lot of very interesting technology to bring sort of the virtual world and reality together. You know, obviously from all those different eras of Motorsport, the cars were very different. So it’s taking as much information from all the data that’s gathered because even back in the sort of seventies and eighties, there was still a lot of data gathering from those cars,” explained Button. “So a lot of data gathering and then trying to bring it all together.”

Although Button admitted that when Michelob Ultra first approached him with this opportunity, even he was skeptical.

“When Michelob Ultra first mentioned it they said: ‘Do you want to be involved?’ I’m like, ‘I think it’s a great idea but I can’t see how you’re going to do it.’

“But they’ve really, really pulled it off and I think, it’s all about the joy of racing and it definitely brings that,” said Button. “When all of us were together, all the world champions, all the legends, there was definitely a joy in seeing this all come together and being a part of it.”

Among the many hurdles acing this project? How to normalize not just the drivers from different generations, but their race cars. After all, as Button noted, current F1 cars would lap the field in the hands of most drivers.

But as the former champion outlined, even the current cars have their weaknesses.

“Then obviously you try, you want to make it competitive still because the current Formula One car would be sort of 15 seconds quicker than a car from 20 to 30 years ago,” explained Button. “So there’s a bit of sort of balance of performance if you like, but the actual strengths and weaknesses of the cars from every era you definitely see in the race, which is kind of cool.”

For Button, something else that was cool was seeing the drivers all get behind the concept. For him, the insight from the other drivers, and interplay among them, was perhaps the best part of the project.

Aside from getting to race his own hero.

“So, yeah, it’s amazing technology and I thought I never thought I’d get the chance to race against Alain Prost. He was actually my hero growing up as well, you know, being British, I always supported him. He was a very big character, which I love, and he still is. So it’s been a really fun process, you know, going through from start to finish of this movie if you like,” described Button.

“And also working with all these absolute legends, you know, spending time with Alain, spending time with Nigel, Jacques, Mario, Damon and obviously Logan. It’s all together in one room. It’s definitely kind of spicy, there’s been a lot of good conversations and a lot of, a lot of good gags, a lot of good jokes.”

Michelob Ultra/Williams Racing

Having seen the finished product, Button admitted that he was “pleasantly surprised” at how it turned out. Which he attributes in part to how all the drivers bought into the idea, and worked hard at making it as good as possible.

“I had no idea how it was gonna turn out, and was pleasantly surprised how it turned out,” outlined Button. “I think what was also great was that every individual involved really put their, their time into it? And, you know, none of the drivers were walking around going, ‘Oh, this this doesn’t work. This isn’t correct. This isn’t how it should be.’

“Everyone put their time and effort into it to make it feel as good as it possibly could because bringing virtual reality and the real world together is kind of difficult but when you watch it, it’s really cool,” added Button. “The process was fun and it’s a lot of technology that we as drivers, we’re used to technology, but this sort of technology, no. So it was really interesting for us to really sink our teeth into the technology and see how far it’s come over the last couple of decades and during this process.”

Button also admitted to learning a few things about his fellow legends, and appreciated just how open they were with their thoughts, and emotions.

“I was surprised at how open everyone was with their, with their emotions,” explained Button.

The former champion then gave even more incredible insight on the human side of racing, and motorsport.

“And, you know, when we’re talking to them as individuals, as drivers, they, they’re letting us know the strengths and weaknesses that they have and the tough times they went through, and the good times, and that was great to hear because most of us, when we’re racing, we shut down,” Button said to me. “We don’t want to show our emotions.

“We don’t want to show anything that could be taken as a weakness because we don’t want the other drivers to see that. But now most of these drivers are retired, they’re very open with their strengths and weaknesses.”

Button then described to me something that, as an outside observer, I cannot wait to see.

“And when you get Alain and Nigel who raced against each other, talking about each other’s strengths and weaknesses and remembering every single race they did, and the races they had against each other,” recalled Button. “The human aspect of it really came through and I think that that’s really important on this film.”

Michelob Ultra/Williams Racing

Logan Sargeant the driver, and the human

The conversation then turned to Logan Sargeant, the one current driver competing in “Lap of Legends.”

Formula 1 is a sport filled with pressure, and the Netflix docuseries “Drive to Survive” is titled as it is for a reason. With just 20 spots on the grid, keeping your spot is not guaranteed.

This is what Sargeant is living right now.

As a rookie last season Sargeant became the first American driver to score a point in F1 since Michael Andretti finished in the points at the 1993 Italian Grand Prix. But despite that bit of history, Sargeant’s place in F1 for the 2024 was uncertain, until Team Principal James Vowles made the call to retain him for the current season late last year.

Sargeant’s spot with Williams for 2025 remains one of the sport’s big storylines, and that was kicked into high gear after a tough Australian Grand Prix for the team. When Alexander Albon crashed his FW46 during practice, the team was unable to get it repaired in time for qualifying. Without a backup chassis available, Vowles made the decision to slide Albon into Sargeant’s car, sidelining the American driver for the race.

It was a tough weekend for the team, and the young driver.

I asked Button what, if anything, he learned about Sargeant during “Lap of Legends.”

“I think, you know, he had multiple world champions, sat around chatting and trying to give him info of what to expect through his career. And as a driver sometimes you don’t want to take that right? Because you think, ‘oh, I’m an F1 driver. I’m not gonna listen to these old guys.’ But he really took it on board, I think, which is good,” explained Button.

“You know, there’s so much good information there from driving, to how you are perceived out of a racing car, and the stresses that you have on your shoulders, and the pressure. And we’ve all been through it,” continued Button. “So just trying to give Logan as much information as possible, and he was great.

“He really listened, which was good.”

Button then elaborated on the stress of life in F1, and the stress that Sargeant is facing at the moment.

“So he came across well, he came across very open, and he understands that Formula One is a tough business. You arrive in F1 and you think ‘I’ve won everything on the way here’ and you get there and you think, ‘oh, I’m gonna blow everyone away.’

“It’s not like that.

“Everyone has won all the categories before they got to F1. You’re racing against the best in the world, and it’s tough and it really … you can take a knock in that first year. But it’s about how you regroup and then the second year, how you perform,” explained Button. “So, yeah, I think it was really useful for him, and hopefully he’s taken a lot on board.”

I then asked Button how he views Sargeant now in his second season.

“I mean, he’s got a really competitive teammate [in Alexander Albon]. You can say, ‘well, that’s, that’s tough. Because you’ve got to be on your game every race.’

“But it’s kind of what Formula One is, right?

“If you’re not gonna go up against the best of them, what’s the point? At some point, you’re gonna have to race against the best in the world to win a world championship.”

Button noted that this season is critical for Sargeant, but so is every season in the sport.

“So, yeah, this is, this is an important year for him. It’s not, it’s definitely not less pressure than the first year. He’s had a full season so he’s had time to think about strengths, weaknesses where he can improve and it’s how he reacts to that.

“So we’re only a few races into the year and obviously [Australian Grand Prix] didn’t happen for him. So it’ll be interesting. I think Japan this weekend is an important one for him, for how he bounces back from [the Australian Grand Prix], a very difficult situation for everyone.

“And, you know, Williams didn’t want to find themselves in that position either. So I look forward to seeing how Logan performs this weekend. And how we can carry that confidence through, hopefully over the next few races.”

The former champion then highlighted Sargeant’s strengths as a driver.

Michelob Ultra/Williams Racing

“Because he has the talent, he’s won everything, you know, especially carting. When I see that someone’s done so well in carting, which is so competitive, I know that he has the talent.

“And then it comes down to whether you’re in the right frame of mind, whether your headspace is correct because, it’s all a mental game, the sport, it really is.”

I then asked Button about the headspace required in F1. In the promotional materials for “Lap of Legends” I was able to see, one of the taglines bills the event as a chance to remind Sargeant to “enjoy the ride.”

Given that, I asked Button just how hard it is for F1 drivers to do that, given the pressure associated with the sport and, well, the difficult task of pushing a race car to the absolute limit.

“It’s tough and I think it’s perfect because we need to be reminded of it. You know, we’re racing at the pinnacle of a sport, and a sport that’s so difficult to get into. So, yes, however short or long your career is, you really do need to try and enjoy it because this is such a pivotal point in your career and in your life racing in F1,” explained Button.

“So yeah, I think being reminded of that is, is really important. There are going to be tough times through a season, but every literal moment where you think you’ve achieved something, whether it’s finishing just inside the points, or finishing 13th but making a great overtake move in that race, remembering those moments and being happy about those moments, they should make you smile.

“If not, you’re in the wrong sport.”

In this sport, as with many sports, failure is part of the job explained Button.

“I think in Formula One, you’re gonna fail more than you’re gonna win. That’s just the way it is,” added the former champion.

“So every single moment that you’ve achieved something, enjoy that moment and it will give you confidence moving forward.”

Photo by Clive Mason/Getty Images

The beauty of Suzuka

I spoke with Button ahead of this season’s Japanese Grand Prix, a race which holds a special place in his heart. Button won the Japanese Grand Prix back in 2011, and I wanted to get his insight on what it takes to in at Suzuka, and why it is such a special place.

He did not hold back.

“It’s the fastest-flowing, best circuit in the world. For me.”

He elaborated on what makes Suzuka so special.

“There’s no room for error. It’s a narrow track, most corners have grass and then gravel. There’s none of this tarmac runoff area, which I like. I’ve raced in Suzuka in F1 for many years. I raced in Super GT in Suzuka. It doesn’t matter what you drive around there.”

Of course, roaring an F1 around Suzuka is in a class of its own.

“It’s a great track but a Formula One car is at its best from Turn Two, all the way through the ‘Esses,’ up through Dunlop, It’s just a phenomenal section.

“And if you are at the track, that’s the section you have to watch at. Really. You do.”

Button then spoke about something else that makes the Japanese Grand Prix one of the best motorsport events in the world.

The fans themselves.

“You know something about the Japanese fans, some of the best in the world. They watch the Grand Prix and then three hours later they stay at the track to watch the replay on the big screen and, and I just love that. You know, they really, they celebrate with you.”

Our discussion of Suzuka closed with perhaps a bit of premonition from Button. While we spoke a few days ahead of the Japanese Grand Prix, he seemed to foreshadow what we saw days later. In this year’s Japanese Grand Prix there was a bit more overtaking than we have seen at Suzuka in recent years.

Something that Button told me in the days leading up to the race that we should enjoy when it happens.

“There aren’t so many overtaking opportunities around Suzuka, but when it happens, it’s awesome,” outlined the driver.

He then gave me, and all of us, a great reminder about just what it takes to compete in F1.

“And just put yourself inside a driver’s body. The G force they’re going through around there is so, so physical. Even just keeping your eyes on the road is difficult through the vibrations and the G force or the change of direction, these athletes are being put through it at this race. And always remember that when you see them jump out of the car at the end of the race.

“It’s tough.”

I had solicited questions from readers for Button — shoutout to my friends on F1 Threads — and while I could not get to all of them, one such submission was what race, if any, Button would want to relive.

He started with Suzuka.

“Yeah, Suzuka,” he began. “Yeah. Yeah, that was pretty awesome. I almost ran out of fuel so I had to save fuel at the end of the race and I had Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel closing me down, obviously both world champions and Seb won his second world championship that day. So, yeah, that was pretty special.”

There were some others.

“I’ve had races that I’ve won from the front. Probably my most dominant race was actually 2012 in Spa, which again, a circuit I love,” continued Button.

“But then you got the circuits like Canada where I won from last place and, that would be great to relive, you know, and, and try and enjoy the moments that were tough because there were some really tough ones in there.”

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“Lap of Legends”

In the time I had left, I gave Button a chance to pitch fans, even non-F1 fans, on why “Lap of Legends” would be a must-watch.

Out of all the great responses he gave during our discussion, and there were many, this might have been his most informative and persuasive.

“Well, there’s a lot of new fans of the sport, which is great,” he began.

“You know, it’s great that we’re getting more and more fans involved, but a lot of them don’t know the history of the sport, and what Lap of Legends does in my eyes is it, it shows people the history of this sport. You’re gonna see multiple world champions throughout ‘Lap of Legends’ and you just don’t see that [every day]. Most of these guys have moved on other businesses.

“You don’t see these guys in public, so to have them all together and going through this race scenario together, and seeing the adrenaline and the excitement.

“It’s pretty special.

“It’s one of the most special days I’ve had, I think ever, being with those guys. You’re gonna see a fun race as well, and you’re gonna see how technology is moving on, and how we’ve been able to bring virtual, with reality, together.

“It’s about enjoying the ride and I think we prove that we do.”

Michelob Ultra and Williams will debut “Lap of Legends” on AMC, BBC America and The Roku Channel on May 14.

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