American Football

Ric Flair is hanging out with a legendary cheater

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Go Blue… WOO!

Is Jim Harbaugh the dirtiest coach in college football? That remains to be seen, but he’s certainly hanging out with the Dirtiest Player in the Game.

Just Spent The Morning With My Close Friend The Great @CoachJim4UM! Go Blue! WOOOOO!

— Ric Flair® (@RicFlairNatrBoy) November 6, 2023

This has to be self-aware, right? There’s no way Harbaugh would be willingly hanging around the most notorious cheater in pro wrestling history unless he was trying to make light of the mountain of allegations looming against Michigan over the sign stealing scandal.

There’s all sorts of things Ric Flair can teach you about life, so maybe this is all unrelated. The Nature Boy can give you lessons in things like:

Praying for mercy before sneaking in a low blow
Appealing to the ref and poking someone in the eyes
How to properly apply the Figure Four Leg Lock
Cutting a furious promo against your enemies with so much charm people can’t help but love you

There might be something to that last one. Maybe we’ll see Harbaugh hit the mic on Monday afternoon and drop some truths about all this.

“I’m Jim Harbaugh! The Stylin’, profilin’, Covid-denying, jet flying, sign-stealing, Wolverine feedin’ son of a gun! Bloooo!”

Any good wrestling heel believes they’re always right in their actions. The same goes for a college football coach. Maybe these professions are more closely related than you’d think.

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