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The 2026 World Cup logo is sad beyond belief

This is an ugly thicc mess that does nothing to show off North America.

FIFA unveiled its logo for the 2026 World Cup and … yeah.


— FIFA World Cup (@FIFAWorldCup) May 18, 2023

This sucks beyond all comprehension. The 2026 World Cup is going to be an incredible event, with the United States, Canada, and Mexico sharing the hosting duties. There’s so much tradition, so much color, so much that could be done representing North America.

Instead we get a thicc “26” that looks like it was designed in 15 minutes on photoshop using a stock font, stretched out, and an image of the World Cup dropped on the top so it doesn’t just l

The last time we had multiple nations host the event was 2002, when Korea and Japan co-hosted. They got this logo.

Sure, things will look a little dated over 20+ years, but this is INCREDIBLE compared to the stupid block 26. Hell, when the United States hosted in 1994 we got a ball streaking across the flag AND IT HAD A STAR ON THE BALL TO REPRESENT THE STARS AND STRIPES!

There’s something to be said for having a clean logo, but at the very least it should do something to evoke the nation it’s representing. This “26” is nothing but boring, sanitized, unrelenting capitalism with no creativity or spark.

Crap … it might be perfect.

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